Don’t wait for things to get better, learn to be happy right now.

AKH Hypnotherapy

AKH Hypnotherapy

Here at AKH Hypnotherapy, we strive to make your life easier. We offer tailored sessions for anything you need, from quiting smoking to gaining confidence.

Amanda Hall, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Amanda is a friendly and approachable hypnotherapist with treatment rooms based in Doncaster. She was inspired to learn hypnotherapy after a life-changing event meant she wanted to find a way of helping others overcome the difficulties that life in today’s high-pressure world can produce. She particularly enjoys helping clients overcome anxiety and depression and she recognises the stress endured by children in the run-up to exams and offers treatment for both the child and the parents during this period. Along with a range of therapies for the treatment of fears and phobias, she also helps people stop smoking and lose weight.


45 Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2EX





    positive review  I had a stress relief session with Amanda and it was brilliant. The session was tailored to me and I felt instantly relaxed. It made a nice change to take some time for myself. During my consultation, it was interesting to find out more about how hypnotherapy can help in so many areas of your life. Well worth a visit!

    Claire Holocuk Avatar Claire Holocuk
    November 12, 2019

    positive review  I first went to AKH Hypnotherapy a little over a year ago. I was in a dark place with the recent loss of many family members in a short space of time. Amanda helped me through all the pain and helped me come to terms with what had happened, and helped give me closure and acceptance. I then went back for a confidence-building session where within days I felt a lot more confident about, how I looked, how I felt about myself and how I acted. I don’t attend regular sessions anymore, more so once a month or two, but I know that when I need Amanda’s help, she is always there for me and will take the time to see me around her busy schedule. I would, and have, recommended AKH to anyone who's going through anything that I went through or for any other matter. She is an amazing woman to have in your corner!

    Michael Boris Davis Avatar Michael Boris Davis
    February 9, 2020

    positive review  Just had my first session of hypnotherapy with Amanda, and overall it was great! I had the stress relief hypnotherapy session and almost instantly I felt relaxed and at ease, she is in-depth with what it is you want to work on and tailors your session specifically to your needs, her presence is calming and I feel much more focused and calm about situations. I can't wait for my next session!

    Charley Aldred Avatar Charley Aldred
    November 11, 2019
AKH Hypnotherapy
AKH Hypnotherapy1 year ago
If you haven’t sent cards this year, or forgotten someone’s gift.
If you don’t have matching pyjamas or a festive family photograph.
It’s okay.

If you can’t find the energy to be merry and bright,
or your tree isn’t even decorated yet.
That’s really just fine.

If you don’t feel like watching your favourite Christmas movies, or honouring the traditions that you normally always do.
Don’t sweat it, my friend.

This year has been hard, for many.
Really hard.

If you can’t see a way to celebrating like you have in the past, don’t worry.
Just hang on in there, finding any joy you can in any little way.

Just make it through till next year.
One day at a time.

We need you.

Hang on in there.

You are loved.

Donna Ashworth
Author of ‘wild hope’

Image by Joshua Seoyng

#christmasmentalhealth #festivestress
AKH Hypnotherapy
AKH Hypnotherapy1 year ago
Hi everyone, I've had to do an emergency factory reset on this awful phone which means I have lost everything and everybody in my phone. Please can anyone who has my phone number, text me with their name and details of any arrangements we have to meet up! Thanks in advance xz
AKH Hypnotherapy
AKH Hypnotherapy1 year ago
Christmas is fast approaching. Have you thought about giving the gift of relaxation this Christmas, with a voucher for a personalised session?

We offer vouchers for all our sessions. Contact us today to discuss!

AKH Hypnotherapy
AKH Hypnotherapy1 year ago
Fighting the Black Dog.
Please read until the end. This is a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading!
If you have read everything, select "like".
In honor of someone who is fighting Mental Health issues and PTSD - Copy & Paste - write Done.
Always ask for help, please don't struggle alone xx
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

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